The Steel Steeds

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Trepidation and Just Like Dancing

On Friday June 25 we gathered our gear and packed it into our panniers to do a dry run. Rosie said she had 39 lbs. without reading material. I had 43 lbs. I can’t divulge her total weight, but mine was approximately 312 lbs. including gear, bike and body.

For several weeks I’ve suggested we do a dry run for all the obvious reasons. Rosie insisted she needed no such thing and threaten me with her shoe if I didn’t back off. I continued to coax, she calls it nagging, hoping she’d have a change of heart to avoid surprises on the ride. Her mood was more trepidatious than rebellious.

We left the house intending to ride twenty miles as a dry run, but eventually did thirty-five, which will be about half the distance of our first day. Our first stop was only a block from the house when I had to readjust my newly installed cyclometer. Five miles into the ride Rosie commented the bike seemed more comfortable/stable loaded compared to unloaded. I mirrored those sentiments. I noticed abrasions on equipment secured with bungees. This is a constant that has to be monitored to avoid other problems.

Surprisingly, our pace was comfortable. At times cruising at 18 mph or better and obviously slowing on the long hills. The bikes tracked well and seemed nimble. As we entered the final quarter of the ride Rosie said it was “just like dancing”. I lead and she follows as she holds her line and drafts inches from my rear wheel. It is not only in body, but in mind as I thought about stopping at Clark’s Ale House for a beer and a roast beef sandwich Rosie said, “Let’s stop at Clark’s”. I responded “It’s just like dancing.”


  1. Hello Rosie and Bill,
    If you guys ride as smooth as you dance, it should be a fairly smooth ride. Especially if Bill remembered the single malt. Have fun, send pics and God Bless...........Ricky G

  2. Have a great ride and send lots of pictures for Floyd and I to view.

  3. Hey Bill what u doing under the bridge:):):):):)

  4. OK Just HOW to I see the rest of the trip????? All I can see is the first day. Need to know when you will be in our area. Josh Jenna and I are going to meet you, John will be away at camp. That is if Rosie's estimates are correct. Just waiting for verification.

  5. Guys,
    Happy birthday Rosie !
    That is some beautiful country you are moving through. Nice route and site choices for your camps.
    Not a whole lot at this end. Yesterday I spent getting the starter and solenoid out of the Bayliner and getting it tested. Solenoid is bad but can't test starter till we get a working solenoid on it. Weather has cooled a bit here although you wouldn't think it when working out in that sun.

